The Apple iPhone

The iPhone is the most sophisticated, outlook-challenging piece of electronics to come along in years. It does so many things so well, and so pleasurably, that you tend to forgive it's foibles.

- David Pogue(The US technology writer)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Week 14- Segmenting and Targeting Markets


Targeting people and focusing on the users is what Apple does. They let the consumers decide how and where they will use their products. This is what helps the Apple brand grow as an international company.They focus on individuals and build unusual products for them, and let these individuals determine to their best ability make use of technology. 

Although, most Apple products cost more than the average electronic, the quality of their products could last a lifetime. Apple's segmentation strategy has made the company successful, extremely successful. They have been very mindful in how to sell their products and sold them at the correct prices. They create products for a particular use such as the iPad is for reading, iPod is for listening to music, and the iPhone is for apps.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

It's the Holiday's Again...and Christmas is right around the corner....So why wouldn't you want a iPhone?

Week 13- Developing and Managing Products

It just wouldn't be right if Apple didn't come out with something new that will be apart of our everyday lives. Apple continuously launches a new product or feature to add to their line of GREAT PRODUCTS that everyone LOVES! Their steps to developing products that the consumers love are:


Just that simple..

Take a look at the Apple Evolution 1976-2007

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Week 12-Customer Relationship Management

Apple is a company that has an effective strategy to create LOYAL customers

A Store just for Apple: Apple has a  store strictly devoted to Apple products. Apple stores are friendly and everyone is willing to help solve a specific problem. It's a space where not only "Mac-Lovers" can get service but to hang out and enjoy and explore different Apple products.

Education Sales: Apple is all about education. They sell their products to schools and universites which make the classroom more interesting for the students making  it into a showroom.

New Innovations: Although Apple has many products, they can satisfy their customers in many different ways. In the office, the home, and on the go, Apple makes it easy for the customer to stay loyal to a brand they already like.

Products that Deliver: Apple carefully considers on what makes the customer happy. With lots of research and strong designs, they are rated very high for customer satisfaction. Plain and simple and easy to use is what their products say, this makes the customer happy and loyal to their products.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Week 11- Integrated Marketing Communications

Apple has one of the best selling techniques in the business...and it really doesn't require much work. They let the product speak for itself. Allowing the consumers to have a hands on experience is a plus for the company. It didn't require a rocket scientist to figure it out, but it's still a valuable strategy for promotion of products. According to, it shows the Top 10 Reasons Why (Average)People Buy Apple Products. Its actually another blog, but I feel that he touched every point of the question...why Apple???

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Week 10- Product Concepts

Apple's products excel with excellence when branding and packaging. They know what the customers expect, know that the brand is much more than the logo, how to simplify their message, and be themselves at all times.

Apple's Marketing strategy:

Simplicity: The art on the cover of the box, is a life-size photo of the product inside. With no words or no sell copy, this is what makes the consumer anxious and builds anticipation to get their hands on the product.

Consistency: The packaging and the product are as beautiful, clean, and easy to access as every other Apple product.

Ease of use: The product's controls and user interface are so natural that the consumer can quickly get up to speed and start using the product.

Quality: Instead of looking for ways to save money with a cheap box and paper stock, Apple makes their packages an extension of the product itself.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Week 9- Sales Promotion and Personal Selling

Apple has a lot of loyal consumers. Making sure the consumers stay happy and satisfied with their products, Apple has great offers that keep them coming back. The iPhone 4, which recently hit the market in late June 2010, Apple decided to make this phone twice as better than the previous iPhone's and more affordable to the consumer. Due to the complications and technical issues, it caused the consumers to become very upset with the qualities they were looking for in the phone. Apple took it upon themselves to give free phone cases to reduce the difficulties.

Back to College season is one of the biggest times of the year that Apple can make the most sales. Every college student feels that they must have some kind of computer to studty and help them with their school work. So why not get one of the hottest and coolest computers out? Which would be an Apple. Apple promotes selling the MacBooks by offering a student discount and with the purchase of the computer comes with a brand new iPod Touch. This strategy keeps the consumers loyal to Apple and also satisfied to have a cool gift with purchase.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Week 8- Advertising and Public Relations

Apple promotes their products all over. For the iPhone, it is promoted in Newspapers, on radio, television, the internet, in magazines, etc. Apple has showed great discipline when promoting their products. They know they dont have to try and sell more their products on the desktops of Mac's, iPods, on iTunes, or iPhones to their highest bidders. The company understands the main reason is to provide the users experience that the customers would love.

iPhone is one of the fast developing breakthrough product for mobile advertising. As more people use the iPhone for more things, there are going to be much more ads they would love to see.