The Apple iPhone

The iPhone is the most sophisticated, outlook-challenging piece of electronics to come along in years. It does so many things so well, and so pleasurably, that you tend to forgive it's foibles.

- David Pogue(The US technology writer)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Week 10- Product Concepts

Apple's products excel with excellence when branding and packaging. They know what the customers expect, know that the brand is much more than the logo, how to simplify their message, and be themselves at all times.

Apple's Marketing strategy:

Simplicity: The art on the cover of the box, is a life-size photo of the product inside. With no words or no sell copy, this is what makes the consumer anxious and builds anticipation to get their hands on the product.

Consistency: The packaging and the product are as beautiful, clean, and easy to access as every other Apple product.

Ease of use: The product's controls and user interface are so natural that the consumer can quickly get up to speed and start using the product.

Quality: Instead of looking for ways to save money with a cheap box and paper stock, Apple makes their packages an extension of the product itself.