The Apple iPhone

The iPhone is the most sophisticated, outlook-challenging piece of electronics to come along in years. It does so many things so well, and so pleasurably, that you tend to forgive it's foibles.

- David Pogue(The US technology writer)

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Week 12-Customer Relationship Management

Apple is a company that has an effective strategy to create LOYAL customers

A Store just for Apple: Apple has a  store strictly devoted to Apple products. Apple stores are friendly and everyone is willing to help solve a specific problem. It's a space where not only "Mac-Lovers" can get service but to hang out and enjoy and explore different Apple products.

Education Sales: Apple is all about education. They sell their products to schools and universites which make the classroom more interesting for the students making  it into a showroom.

New Innovations: Although Apple has many products, they can satisfy their customers in many different ways. In the office, the home, and on the go, Apple makes it easy for the customer to stay loyal to a brand they already like.

Products that Deliver: Apple carefully considers on what makes the customer happy. With lots of research and strong designs, they are rated very high for customer satisfaction. Plain and simple and easy to use is what their products say, this makes the customer happy and loyal to their products.

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